
Welcome to my Blog!

First, a bit about me: I am a Circuit City employee and my job is to offer service to our customers within the Second life universe.

I set this blog up to chronicle my time in world and to share the experiences I have while in there. On this blog, you're likely going to see a wide variety of topics discussed.

Also, feel free to link to me if you want ;) I love seeing other people's blogs and reading about their experiences as well!


Monday, March 31

6th and 7th iPods found!

Well, the 6th and 7th iPods have been found. Congratulations to Duke and Mag!

Ironically, there were two iPods in world. I mentioned a while back to a group of folks in-world that it was possible that two would spawn but as time was running out I didn't expect that to happen, but happen it did lol.

So what's next? well there are still 3 more iPods and only 2 weeks left to find 'em.

I have to share that while in-world over the weekend, I found someone on the island dressed as one of the characters from pokemon (no, not Pikachu) and he was wandering around the island muttering "gotta catch 'em all." To that I of course asked, catch what? to which he replied "the iPods!"

I've never thought of iPods as Pokemon before but I guess there's a similarity there. There are some folks who collect iPods. To that point, I guess a collection of anything could be considered very Pokemon-esque couldn't it?

That led me down the path of the things I collect so my question this week is what do you collect? Post your answers below and let's see who has the coolest one!


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