
Welcome to my Blog!

First, a bit about me: I am a Circuit City employee and my job is to offer service to our customers within the Second life universe.

I set this blog up to chronicle my time in world and to share the experiences I have while in there. On this blog, you're likely going to see a wide variety of topics discussed.

Also, feel free to link to me if you want ;) I love seeing other people's blogs and reading about their experiences as well!


Tuesday, March 25

5th iPod found, music discussion

Well gang,

iPod #5 has been found! Congratulations to Bebop Drumbeat (photos below) for finding the 5th one in the projector in the movie theater!

Bebop, if you're reading this, you'll have that in your happy hands shortly!

As I was chatting with my friends on MySpace this morning I came across a number of profiles with music. Normally I'm not a big fan of "ninja-tunez" (as one friend calls it) but as I found myself grooving to a song, I realized that the real beauty of the music is to give you something to listen to that you might not have otherwise heard.

One of my personal joys in life is music. I have everything from Beethoven to Apotygma Berzerk in my collection at home and I suddenly realized that very few people have likely heard any of the music that I am so personally fond of.

So I decided that I would join the ranks of "ninja-tunez" people on MySpace and put up my own listing of music. Unfortunately because I made it known that I'm a CC employee I have to filter out the music that has naughty words in it (Vast's "Pretty when you cry" and MSI's "shut me up" are pretty big losses because of this) but I think I was able to get some tunes on there that people will actually like (Conjure One for the win?)

Go ahead and check my MySpace page out here and let me know what you think of my selection and please help me find more music that I haven't heard!



Anonymous said...

WOOT! Thanks a lot for your help Wyatt! You rock!

Wyatt Odriscoll said...

Hey there man! Always happy to give a prize to cool people ;)

Anonymous said...

WOOOOTTT! Congratulations Bop!! If this were SL you know I'd gesture you to death!! =P

<3 Mags

Hi Wyatt Earp!!;P